Sunday, November 18, 2012


As we finish up Solaris and head towards our Thanksgiving break, I try to think of connections and how Solaris could possibly be Stevensian/Lucretian....and I find that the answer is not long in coming. One of the key elements in Solaris is the idea of understanding one's self, and how that can affect our lives. Kelvin through the power of the ocean was forced to come to terms with one of the darkest parts of his innermost self, his darkest secret which for him holds the most guilt. It would be easier if he had been allowed to tuck that dark secret away for the rest of his life, slowly removing himself from the pain he associates with the woman he once loved. However, in doing this he would not be able to understand that this pain is an essential part of who he is, and that it is not worth running from. Lucrecius seemed to feel the same way about death, that we have to embrace it, its going to happen, and until you understand that you cannot continue to live a real life. I imagine that Stevens would be of a similar mind, he talks about facing reality, embracing it, and fully understanding life for what it is, rather than the niceties with which we like to surround ourselves. In reading about Kelvin we can understand the pain of continually facing your worst nightmare, and the agony of being unable to shake the guilt. However, it stands to reason, that acceptance, and understanding are perhaps the best medicine one can prescribe.

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