Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Thank you Alexandra

After class yesterday, I feel the need to thank Alexandra for her post on Picasso's painting, and also Professor Sexson for showing the material in class. I had seen the painting before, had even studied the painting IN Spain, however, it was not until this class that it began to make sense to me. I had always understood, to a certain extent, that the paintings of Picasso were brilliant and done in such a way that the intent of the piece was not obvious to many of the observers. Intellectually I could appreciate Picasso, but emotionally I felt (forgive me) bored. That is....until last class period. Something about watching the piece be dissected in such a way made the piece make more sense to me. Perhaps it was the underlying music, or even the attention to every detail that made the piece somehow more real, more tangible. I actually left that class feeling physically sick, I then proceeded to sit through my Spanish Culture and REVOLUTION class where I was still left to face the war created in my mind by this short Youtube video.

I wonder if perhaps this is what happens when someone finally understands, or perhaps begins to understand Stevens. This moment that moves to you physical feelings, that seem to over power your being. I don't know....I am not there yet, but I will be....Thanks to Alexandra I have gained a greater understanding of what it could potentially mean to be a Stevensian.

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