Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Seeing Things as they ARE

The class last Friday, I'm sure we can all agree, was quite inspiring. I keep wishing that I could have a strong reaction as many of my classmates seem to be having. During the reading of "The Man with The Blue Guitar" I had a few moments where I just simply felt the need to write. As though that was my only way to express the emotions I was feeling. I just kept thinking: How amazing to be loved as you ARE. So I wrote:

I see you as you are, not as you are not or, how
others see you, but as you shall be, as you
are meant to be, as you always shall be
just as you are

My feelings for you are as they should,
In the way that you are, you are,
you are,

You are to me as a pen to the endless form
The blue guitar, is as you are.

And there that was it that was all I could produce. But for those few moments I felt that what I was writing, was exactly what I should be writing and there was nothing else I needed to pay attention to. I simply needed to be. What an interesting thing, to have the Blue Guitar illicit so many different feelings within so many different people. 

Another thing I felt the need to analyze about the Blue Guitar, was the title itself "The Man with the Blue Guitar" If we are to understand that each word is a metaphor for something else then should the title literally read "Humanity with the Imagination Instrument" and if so what does this mean for the rest of the poem? Should we be reading deep within the poem, or simply enjoy it as is? I don't know classmates what do you think? 

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