Tuesday, September 4, 2012


After having sat through the first class, absorbing the mass amounts of information that accompany the first few sessions, I feel somewhat confidant in my attempts to make my first post on this blog. One of the things that I found to be very exciting about this class is the idea of "Sublime." This idea thrills me....no, literally...it thrills me. The idea of sublime, in my mind is unknown, and all the feelings associated with it land me somewhere in the vicinity of  anxious, thrilled, excited, terrified, and with the out of breath feeling that I imagine accompanies sky-diving. How will we get through this entire class with this heightened sense of feeling? I haven't a clue, but I look forward to the experience.

Professor Sexson had asked us to look up a little bit about Lucretius, my research (or ramblings through the internet) led me to some information that stated that there is are different ideas about the writing of his poem. There is some research that suggests that his poem was writing in between hallucinations brought on by a love potion. In my mind I keep asking, is love sublime, or perhaps in this case what drives us to sublimity. We are continually searching for both it seems. There are adrenaline junkies that must feel sublimity is the moment of excitement and fear in the realization that they are doing something risky. Perhaps love accomplishes the same thing.

So love and sublimity, I once took a class from Professor Sexson, in which he proclaimed "all that is past possesses the present." A phrase has never been more apt than this, in which love and sublimity have made themselves relevant thousands of years later in a class at MSU, in which we try to understand their meaning in literature....all will be revealed.

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